Go, Go Second Time Virgin
(Yuke yuke nidome no shojo)


Saturday - 22nd - 8.30 pm - Filmmuseum

Japan 1969, 35mm, 65 Min., OmeU
Director & Production: Koji WAKAMATSU
Screenplay: Izuru DEGUICHI
Cinematographer: Hideo ITOH
Music: Meikyu SEKAI
Rental: American Cinematheque
Artists: Michio AKIYAMA, Mimi KOZAKURA

Two psychologically battered teenagers meet on a rooftop and bare their psychic scars to each other. The boy feels a mixture of arousal and anguish when he sees the unclothed girl following a gang rape. He relates how his parents forced him into sex, a trauma he curtailed by using a knife. Eventually the boy takes a surprising action. GO, GO SECOND TIME VIRGIN is a rather dismal tale of primitive morality in the face of degradation, humiliation and abuse.

About the director / Filmography: see CYCLING CHRONICLE - LANDSCAPES THE BOY SAW

Koji WAKAMATSU will be attending!

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